Dr. Xue's Math School Dr. Xue's Math School

On Using Art of Problem Solving Textbooks

Students and parents often ask whether we recommend AoPS textbooks. Our answer is yes, but with some important conditions. We suggest that students get most of their books (with the exception of Calculus), but should use them strategically.

Students and parents often ask whether we recommend Art of Problem Solving (AoPS) textbooks. Our answer is yes, but with some important conditions. We suggest that students get most of their books (with the exception of Calculus), but should use them strategically.

AoPS is the leading publisher of math curricula for gifted students, with a particular focus on math competition problems. It is well-liked in many communities, but opinions are mixed among Chinese teachers. In general, we believe their textbooks offer a strong collection of problems, but the explanations of concepts and methods could be improved.

We primarily use Art of Problem Solving (AoPS) textbooks for their extensive problem sets. In our pre-recorded videos, we offer more concise and clear explanations of foundational concepts and methods, which we consider the "soul" of mathematics. The content is presented within a more rigorous, intuitive, and clean framework, covering every example in each section, as well as the challenge problems at the end of each section and chapter. The videos also include necessary corrections to the text, along with supplementary materials that expand on the book’s content, emphasize real-world applications, and highlight connections to higher-level math. Our live lectures delve deeply into various topics, using a research-oriented instructional approach that fosters interest, creativity, and mathematical expression.

Our balanced approach prioritizes a deep understanding of concepts and methods, integrating problem-solving, research thinking, and real-world applications. We focus on fostering lifelong learning, using competitions as just one tool to inspire curiosity and develop critical thinking for long-term success.

Dr. Xue
February 9, 2025

Disclaimer: Our school is not affiliated with any publisher or learning center. I’m not always right, but I hope these thoughts provide a solid starting point for insightful discussions.

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Dr. Xue's Math School Dr. Xue's Math School

About Math Competitions

Math competitions have both advantages and disadvantages, and at times, they can limit creativity. There are benefits to knowing a lot, but there are also advantages to knowing less. I believe we should make proper use of the resources and opportunities provided by math competitions, but approach them with a plan and purpose, rather than blindly following trends and chasing after grades.

今年的AMC 10, 12已经考完了。关于数学竞赛,我认为贵在参与。这是孩子们挑战自我的机会,在这个过程中不只可以学到新的数学知识,还可以培养良好的学习习惯和做人品质。只要孩子们有兴趣,我鼓励他们参加这样的活动,但我也觉得什么事情都要适可而止,孩子们只要跟自己比较就好了,不需要同学之间,家长之间互相攀比,也不需要太功利。我认识几位数学竞赛成绩很好的孩子,不只成绩好,为人也很优秀,他们最终拿到了US Presidential Scholarship,我觉得是实至名归。跟他们聊起来,发现他们谦逊,大度,做学问非常专业,知无不言,言无不尽。比起竞赛成绩,我更欣赏他们的为人。





This year's AMC 10 and 12 exams have already been completed. Regarding math competitions, I believe the value lies in participation. These events provide children with opportunities to challenge themselves. Through this process, they not only learn new mathematical concepts but also develop good study habits and personal qualities. As long as the children are interested, I encourage them to participate, but I also believe that everything should be done in moderation. I don’t see a need for parents to compare their children's performance with that of others or to push too hard for honors simply to feel better in conversations with others. Every child is different; interest is the key to success, and children should be allowed to lead and shine in their own way.

I know a few children who have excelled in math competitions. Not only are their academic results impressive, but they are also outstanding individuals. When talking to them, I found them humble, generous, and very professional in their approach to learning and communication. They share their knowledge openly and thoroughly. Compared to their grades, I admire their character even more. They eventually received the US Presidential Scholarship, which I believe they truly deserve.

Math competitions have both advantages and disadvantages, and at times, they can limit creativity. There are benefits to knowing a lot, but there are also advantages to knowing less. When we were pursuing our PhDs, some professors followed the practice of giving us nothing—no specific topics, not even paper titles. They encouraged us to explore our own ideas fully, to take advantage of a blank slate, and not be constrained by existing scientific knowledge. Most of the students trained in this way stayed in academia and did very well. On the other hand, some children who were once math competition medalists later led relatively ordinary lives. Some dropped out of college, some couldn’t finish their PhD studies, claiming they “weren’t good at research”, or went on to do repetitive jobs after graduation.

In summary, I believe we should make proper use of the resources and opportunities provided by math competitions, but approach them with a plan and purpose, rather than blindly following trends and chasing after grades.

Dr. Xue
Nov 20, 2023

Disclaimer: I’m not always right, but I hope these thoughts provide a solid starting point for insightful discussions.

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Dr. Xue's Math School Dr. Xue's Math School

The Power of Slowing Down

In this fast-paced world, where speed is often seen as the ultimate measure of success, I want to remind both children and parents that, in math, it’s sometimes better to slow down. Rushing through problems or comparing one’s pace to others can overshadow the true value of learning. Taking time to reflect on each problem, savor the process, and engage deeply with the material not only fosters a deeper understanding but also encourages creativity. Slowing down allows children to discover new solutions, build confidence, and develop a genuine love for learning that goes beyond the race for the right answer.







In this fast-paced world, where speed is often seen as the ultimate measure of success, I want to remind both children and parents that, in math, it’s sometimes better to slow down.

I often hear parents comparing how many hours their children spend solving math problems each day or how quickly they complete competition questions. There’s this assumption that more problems and faster results are always better. But I don’t believe that’s true. The beauty of math isn’t just about getting the answer quickly—it’s about understanding the process, reflecting on the concepts, and enjoying the problem-solving journey.

Taking time to engage with a problem deeply is far more valuable than rushing through a series of questions. If a problem feels too simple, instead of moving on quickly, reflect on why it's easy—what makes it interesting or foundational? If a problem seems unappealing, it’s okay to set it aside for later. Problems left unsolved on your desk are like seeds that will grow into valuable insights when revisited.

Many children worry that they solve problems too slowly compared to their peers. However, "slow and steady" is often more effective. Speed can come from familiarity or practice, but true understanding requires thoughtful consideration. A slower approach often means a deeper, more comprehensive grasp of the material. Kids who take the time to think things through are usually better at tackling unfamiliar or complex problems. They tend to see things others miss because they are thinking more creatively and critically.

Moreover, a focus on speed can create unnecessary pressure. The constant comparison between students’ performances—whether it’s about time spent on tasks or the number of problems solved—can lead to burnout and frustration. Math isn’t a race; it's about developing a personal understanding of concepts and learning at your own pace.

Every child is different. The key to success in math is not how fast you can complete problems but how deeply you engage with the material. Curiosity, patience, and creativity are the true drivers of success. Students should be allowed to learn at their own pace, to lead their learning process, and to shine in their own unique way.

So, let's embrace the power of slowing down. By taking the time to think, reflect, and explore, children can gain a deeper understanding of math, foster creativity, and develop a love of learning that will last a lifetime.

Dr. Xue
Oct 29, 2023

Disclaimer: I’m not always right, but I hope these thoughts provide a solid starting point for insightful discussions.

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